Analysis of seaport bulk cargo warehouse capacity by using simulation modeling


Kuznetsov Alexander Lvovich1,Galin Alexander Valentinovich1,Valkova Svetlana Sergeevna2,Sampiev Adam Mihaylovich3


1. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping

2. Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University



The article considers the regulatory documents governing the rules and regulations for the design of commercial ports and terminals. It has been shown that the logic of creating the current design standards does not meet the modern requirements for the design of ports and terminals, since the concept of a standard time margin is not disclosed in the documents, and its relation with a uniform operation of railway transport, which does not depend on the approach of ships or irregular navigation, is not given. It appears that all the considerations given in the norms refer only to that component of the storage volume that ensures uninterrupted service for ships at berth, i.e. makes up the technological volume of warehousing. The rear front in this case ensures the continuous maintenance of the reserve at a level that excludes failure handling the vessel. It is obvious that using the existing standards leads to constructing the excessive transshipment capacities, increasing cost of the project and a longer payback period. At the same time, practice shows that the volume of cargo stored in a warehouse is mostly determined by the irregularity of ship arrival. It is advisable to use simulation tools to calculate the storage capacity. Using the simulation method provides a more accurate analysis of the required cargo capacity of the warehouse, and helps avoid additional costs, which ultimately has a positive effect on the competitiveness of the projected cargo port.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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