Selecting methods of continuous monitoring of torsional vibrations in ship propulsion complexes


Gorbachev Maxim Michailovich1,Kolyvanov Vladimir Viktorovich2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Volga State University of Water Transport


The article considers the problem of the continuing emergency damages to the elements of ship engine-propulsion systems with fatigue failures of shaft pipelines. The classification societies require to analyze and measure the dangerous torsional vibrations in ship power plants. There is given an overview and comparison of methods of measuring torsional vibrations in order to determine the most promising ones for constant monitoring and diagnostics of the technical condition of the elements of marine propulsion systems. In the course of analysis of scientific and technical literature there have been identified the main methods of measuring torsional vibrations, which formed the basis for developing the national and foreign measuring software and hardware complexes. The marine conditions surely require the appropriate design and operating principles from the monitoring systems, therefore, such methods as strain measurement, using laser and optical sensors with reflective tape, inductive sensors with gears are defined as promising. There is illustrated a diagram of the measuring bridge of four load cells, given an example of the design and positioning of the IVC Technologies strain gauge system on the shaft, considered the Geislinger systems with a spring damper and measuring gears. There are presented the illustrations of the OROS measuring system, the Konsberg system, the RT-660 radiotorsiograph, the SCAN optical torsiograph developed by JSC Central Research and Design Institute of the Marine Fleet (TsNIIMF), the TNK-1 sensor, the BAGS-4M measuring complex and others. The results of the study will be used to develop experimental samples of a monitoring system with the selected methods for measuring torsional vibrations and conducting tests in the laboratory and on board a ship.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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