Development of a digital twin of a marine diesel engine torsional vibration damper using a monitoring system


Gorbachev Maxim Michailovich1,Pokusaev Mikhail Nikolaevich1,Rudenko Mikhail Fedorovich1


1. Astrakhan State Technical University


The torsional vibration damper of a marine diesel engine is investigated in connection with the development of a digital double of the damper. The development of a digital twin of the torsional vibration damper of a marine diesel engine is carried out using data received from the monitoring system. The rules of classification societies, scientific and technical literature in the field of torsional vibrations and the authors' own research were used. A structural model of the digital twin was obtained with the testing of its functionality on the damper of the torsional oscillations of the main engine MAN B&W 8L27/38 of the vessel of the Turcas project. Conclusions are drawn about the possibility of developing a digital twin of the torsional vibration damper of marine diesel engines and using it to assess the technical condition and purpose of the residual life of the damper. The use of a digital twin made it possible to assess the degree of change in the technical condition and residual life for the torsional vibration damper of the main engine of the MAN B&W 8L27/38 vessel of the Turcas project. As a result of monitoring of the cruise oscillations for the engine-propulsion complex of the tanker of the Turcas project, a definition (assessment) of the technical condition of the damper was given. The assigned resource based on the results of measurements for 11 days is 7 500 hours of work.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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1. The risk matrix application to assess the installation of torsional vibration monitoring systems on ships;Vestnik Gosudarstvennogo universiteta morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S. O. Makarova;2024-03-15







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