Development of a methodology for diagnosing and determining the residual life of mechanical torsional vibration dampers of ship propulsion systems


Ibadullaev Adel Damirovich1


1. Astrakhan State Technical University


Import substitution issues in modern conditions remain an urgent topic today, especially in terms of periodic maintenance of mechanical torsional vibration dampers of foreign manufacture (they are also called spring dampers). Diagnostics of such devices is impossible due to the influence of sanctions against Russia, namely, in the absence of the possibility of the arrival of defect specialists from leading specialized organizations and manufacturing plants. A method for developing a model mechanical damper is presented, taking into account all conditions of similarity: geometric, kinematic and dynamic. Through the use of modern Autodesk Fusion 360 software, a digital model of a real Geislinger marine damper model D90/37 (Austria) has been developed. The results of diagnostics of the Kogalym and Langepas ship propulsion systems, which include mechanical dampers, are also reflected, and the dynamics of changes in torsional vibration parameters is analyzed. It is noted that non-selective diagnostics (torsiography procedure) is possible only in coordination with the supervisory authorities, usually with a small operating time of the damper. All further diagnostics are allowed only if there is an approved standard methodology, which currently does not exist, which confirms the relevance of the chosen research topic. An initial version of the methodology for diagnosing and determining the residual life of mechanical torsional vibration dampers of ship propulsion systems is presented.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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