Analysis of the problems of the Russian Federation fishing fleet integrated maintenance


Valkov Vladimir Evgen'evich1


1. Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University


Scientific research conducted in our country over the past three decades has revealed the degradation of the structures of regional fishery complexes, most clearly manifested in the curtailment of ocean fishing. Among the most acute problems is the complex of servicing the fishing fleet. There was made the attempt to identify and classify the main causes that led to the current situation and the ways to resolve them. The importance of changing the existing situation is emphasized by the country's leadership, which has set large-scale tasks for the industry, the main of which is to move away from the raw material model for the development of the country's fishery complex. It is stated that the scale and complexity of the particular problems that need to be solved preclude the trial-and-error approach inherent in a market of free competition under favorable conditions. A thorough and detailed scientific analysis of all the factors influencing the development of the fisheries industry and creating obstacles to its development should be carried out. The first stage of this analysis is the study of works published in the professional press that touch upon the formulated problem. The criterion for the selection of works for this analysis is their relevance, the validity of the conclusions made in them, the relevance of their topics and, most importantly, the availability of a substantiated analysis and the proposal of solutions.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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