Comparative analysis of the principles of high-speed vessels electrohydraulic steering machines construction


Popov Sergey Vasilevich1,Burmakin Oleg Anatolevich1,Malyshev Yuriy Sergeevich1


1. Volga State University of Water Transport


The composition and control principles of steering electro-hydraulic machines of a simple and follower type, intended for rudder shifting of small and high-speed vessels are considered. An analysis of the functioning of existing steering gears for the specified group of vessels was carried out. Deficiencies in the work associated with the element base and composition of the control and electric drive systems of the analyzed steering machines have been formed. The features of the operation of hydraulic systems with drive electric motors of pumps made on direct current, revealed as a result of experiments, are shown. Variants of technical solutions for improving the energy performance of the electric drive are proposed. A comparative analysis of the operation of steering machines with AC and DC drives has been carried out. An assessment of steering machines operation in normal and emergency modes is given. Structural diagrams of control systems of simple and follow-up action are proposed, taking into account the operating features identified during the analysis and the requirements of the Russian classification society. The possibility of implementing an SM electric drive built using a frequency converter – asynchronous motor system powered by an alternating current network and an emergency source has been shown. Options for the implementation of electric drives for pumps of hydraulic stations with a high-voltage battery are proposed. The possibility of creating domestic installations for steering and other ship mechanisms, according to the proposed structural diagrams of control systems for hydraulic stations for high-speed ships, is shown. Recommendations are given for the construction of steering gears for high-speed vessels with a total displacement of up to 100 tons using domestic electrical equipment.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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