1. DSİ
The efficient construction of buildings, which are becoming more complex day by day, is closely related to the degree of benefiting from technology. For this reason, it is important to use the Building Information Modeling (BIM) system, which can project building designs in a sustainable, healthy, and low cost by allowing all kinds of preliminary studies and analyses to be made. With the study, it was aimed to determine the awareness of BIM by the sector employees, the advantages it can provide in construction works, the issues that are seen as obstacles in ensuring its more widespread use, and their thoughts on eliminating these issues. According to the data obtained from the study, the BIM system is not known enough (50%) and is not used (67%) in our country yet. 70% of the respondents do not know how to use the BIM system. The awareness and use of the BIM system is still in its beginner level. On the other hand, the fact that the idea that the BIM system can contribute to the sector is widely accepted by the participants can be interpreted as the system will be used more in the future. 41% of the respondents stated that BIM will definitely reduce their project costs and will reduce it by 31%. The idea that the problem could be determined before the construction phase with BIM was supported by 58% of the participants. The opinion that the biggest contribution to the dissemination of the use of the BIM system can be made by the state was approved by 61%, while the idea that the competitive pressure in the sector would expand the use was approved by 41%. As it is widely accepted, it would be beneficial to improve educational opportunities about the system. Support can be obtained from academic studies and experienced people or institutions in transitioning to YBM. It will also be beneficial to make legal arrangements, which is seen as one of the most important reasons for the delay in the transition to the use of BIM.
Bilecik Seyh Edebali Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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