Understanding gender roles and stereotypes through song lyrics in Kosovar society


Xhoni ArmendORCID,Zylfiu BahtijeORCID


This paper, through the lyrics of the song, presents the representation of gender roles and stereotypes in Kosovar society. On the other hand, this study aims to shed light on music and the opportunities it offers for the transmission of social values that help in overcoming gender stereotypes in the cultural context of Kosovo. The importance of this study is undeniable because this study was done at a time when discussions about gender equality were at the center of attention. Therefore, the study of gender issues, not only through music but also from other perspectives, is of great importance because it affects social transformation regarding equality, as a requirement for developing a real democratic society. To realize this research, the text (content) analysis method was used, through the ethnographic research approach. Through this method, the lyrics of certain songs have been analyzed to discover how they carry or challenge gender stereotypes in our society. For analysis, we have chosen some of the most popular songs. In the analysis results, we have identified gender stereotypes expressed with a special emphasis. This includes the praise of the man as the head of the house and the one who takes care of all, including some texts that praise the son as the honor and pride of the family. On the other hand, some songs describe the man in a derogatory way, calling him stupid, owl, and using other negative insulting terms. In particular, current modern music such as rap and hip-hop, especially, tends to go even further in creating gender stereotypes, belittling women with different terms such as fraudsters, traitors, whores, etc. The results obtained from this research will serve as a basis for discussions on the improvement of the gender image in the media that offer songs, especially in the lyrics of the songs to promote positive changes in Kosovar society related to gender roles and stereotypes, as well as help to raise awareness of to the general public about the role of songs in creating and cultivating a culture in favor of improving gender equality. At this point, we recommend a deeper awareness in Kosovar society about the impact of these texts on the formation of gender perceptions. Also, artists and music creators are invited to be proactive in changing this reality, to create music that reflects a more equal perspective.


University of Pristina.


Rast Musicology Journal

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