Using 3D modelling in design training simulator with augmented reality


Kompaniets Alla,Chemerys Hanna,Krasheninnik Iryna


The article is devoted to the theoretical consideration of the problem and the use of innovative technologies in the educational process in the educational establishment of secondary education in the process of studying the school course of computer science. The main advantages of using educational simulators in the educational process are considered, based on the new state standard of basic and complete general secondary education. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and network sources, the features of the development of simulators for educational purposes are described. Innovative tools for simulator development have been investigated, as augmented reality with the use of three-dimensional simulation. The peculiarities of using a simulator with augmented reality when studying the topic of algorithmization in the course of studying a school computer science are considered. The article also describes the implementation of augmented reality simulator for the formation of algorithmic thinking skills by students, presents the results of development and describes the functionality of the software product. In the further prospects of the study, it is planned to conduct an experimental study to determine the effectiveness of the use of software development in the learning process.


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