The Indonesia Government Regulation No. 33 year 2007 concerning Safety of Ionizing Radiation and Safety of Radioactive Sources, which contains the ethical basis for radiation protection nuclear applications in Indonesia, is currently in the process of being revised. Radiation safety principles that will apply are recommended and set internationally from the previous IAEA BSS-115 recommendation to its revision with IAEA GSR Part 3. The principle is strengthened from three principles into ten principles stated in the IAEA Safety Fundamental 1 document by maintaining the previous three principles. These three principles are the principle of justification of decisions to change the radiation exposure situation, applying the dose limit value for individual protection from possible unfairness of the optimization process, and the optimization principle of protection and safety. The principles are compared with the prevailing ethical views and discussed to reduce the gaps in understanding in their application. This principle is discussed in all radiation exposure situations, namely planned exposure, emergency exposure, and existing exposure concluded that by adopting an applied ethical basis in the nuclear field that agreed upon at the global level after being adequately understood and accepted at the national level, regulations would be obtained that were fair, applicable, and respected when moderating conflicts of understanding and interests of the various parties involved in implementing them on radiation safety for the actual dose and potential dose towards effective regulatory while strengthening the regulatory (nuclear) culture in Indonesia.
Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN)
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