Food is a fundamental phenomenon for mankind. Nowadays, the number of people who approach food more selectively is increasing. They want information about the food they consume be accessible. Details such as the production time and producer of the food, whether it is served at a fair pricing and its content are all matters the consumers feel curious about. With the ability to create immutable data, blockchain technology can respond to consumer demands from the agricultural supply chain. Blockchain provides traceability and anti-counterfeiting solutions in the agricultural supply chain. Due to the fact that blockchain technology is becoming more and more popular in the agricultural supply chain, the level of its academic interest is also increasing. In order to reveal the characteristics of academic interest in the subject, an inquiry was conducted on the topic of food supply chain and blockchain in the Web of Science (WoS) database. The publications obtained at the end of the inquiry were classified under such headings as category, country and publication type. In addition, bibliometric analysis was performed on the publications obtained.
Reference34 articles.
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