A Proposed Approach for Implementing Genomics-Based Screening Programs for Healthy Adults


Murray Michael F.1,Evans James P.2,Angrist Misha3,Uhlmann Wendy R.4,Lochner Doyle Debra5,Fullerton Stephanie M.6,Ganiats Theodore G.7,Hagenkord Jill8,Imhof Sara9,Rim Sun Hee10,Ortmann Leonard10,Aziz Nazneen11,Dotson W. David10,Matloff Ellen12,Young Kristen13,Kaphingst Kimberly14,Bradbury Angela15,Scott Joan16,Wang Catharine17,Zauber Ann18,Levine Marissa19,Korf Bruce20,Leonard Debra G.21,Wicklund Catherine13,Isham George22,Khoury Muin J.10


1. Yale University

2. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

3. Duke University

4. University of Michigan

5. Washington State Department of Health

6. University of Washington

7. University of California at San Diego

8. Color Genomics

9. North Carolina Biotechnology Center

10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

11. Kaiser Permanente

12. MyGene Counsel

13. Northwestern University

14. University of Utah

15. University of Pennsylvania

16. Health Resources and Services Administration

17. Boston University

18. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

19. University of South Florida

20. University of Alabama at Birmingham

21. University of Vermont

22. HealthPartners


National Academy of Medicine


General Medicine

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