Street names are sources of versatile information. With names, locations get meaning and turn into places. Correct reading of streets names, which are text, will make a significant contribution to the urban identity. In this study, streets, boulevards and road names in Erzurum are evaluated within the framework of the principles of toponymy. The names of streets and boulevards were taken from the Ministry of Finance Revenue Administration. Using multiple approaches such as remembering and, critical toponymy, Aliağaoğlu and Uzun (2011) typology is used. When you look the point of view of the Erzurum city, congress, old country longing and walls of the fortification gate are added. Individual names are the most important street name. This is related to the cities being' man-made settlements. The other streets respectively are the other, friendship-fraternity, place orientation and republican streets. The historical and natural heritage, the process of nationalization, the use of urban land, the effect of political power, the security conditions and the urban growth are the main reasons for the formation of urban toponymy in Erzurum.


Uzun Alper,Arslan Ferhat


Balikesir Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi

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