Evidencia de la efectividad del uso de aparatología ortopédica prequirúrgica en pacientes con labio y paladar hendido: revisión sistemática.


Artuza-Rosado Gonzalo1ORCID,Argueta-Figueroa Liliana2ORCID,Bautista-Hernández Mario A.3ORCID,Torres-Rosas Rafael4ORCID


1. Especialidad en Ortodoncia, División de Posgrado, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO), Oaxaca, México.

2. CONACYT, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO). Oaxaca, México.

3. Clínica de ortodoncia asociada al Centro de Estudios en Ciencias de la Salud y la Enfermedad, División de posgrado, de Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO). Oaxaca, México.

4. Centro de Estudios en Ciencias de la Salud y la Enfermedad, División de posgrado, de Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO). Oaxaca, México.


This review article aimed to evaluate the evidence on the use of a presurgical orthopedic appliance (POP) in patients with cleft lip and palate. The search was conducted using Medline/PubMed, Scholar Google, Clinical Trails, ProQuest, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. During the search, 7,926 records were found, of which 105 full-text articles were analyzed, and 23 studies included analysis in patients with the use of POP, and their control groups without the use of POP prior to the same type of surgery. The devices most used for POP in the management of LPH were: the passive palate (Hotz palate), the nasolaveolar moulding (NAM), the McNeil device, and finally, the T-traction. The primary outcomes evaluated were: facial aesthetics and nasal appearance; the evaluation of cephalometric measurements, upper airways, nasal fissure width, as well as anatomical references such as inter-canine and inter-tuberosity distances. In addition, studies that evaluated occlusion and phonation were found. The evidence from this literature suggests that the use of active appliances had a better effect than passive appliances in terms of facial aesthetics and approximation of the maxillary seg-ments for the closure of the fissure. However, the heterogeneity, the risk of bias, and the low quality of the studies do not allow to state firm conclusions.


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología


Universidad del Zulia


General Medicine

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