
Akhunzada Wajid Ali,Qadir Altaf,Maqsood Niaz,Rasool Ghulam,Rahman Raza Ur


Most internally displaced persons (IDPs) live in low-income countriesexperiencing a war; their psychosocial health has not been well addressed. Objectives: To findout the prevalence of anxiety and depression in internally displaced persons (IDPs). Design:A randomized cluster sampling, case-controlled study. Period: 10th April 2009 to 10th July2009. Setting: This study was conducted at Kacha Ghari camp and Sheikh Yaseen camp forIDPs. Patients and Method: A total of 220 cases (those whom were exposed to traumaticexperiences) were selected through cluster random sampling. 220-matched controls (thosewhom were not exposed to traumatic experiences) were selected same day using the samesampling method. Both sexes were included. Socio-demographic information was obtainedfrom IDP- information form. Anxiety and depression was assessed using Hopkins symptomschecklist – 25 (HSCL-25). SPSS version -17 was used for statistical analysis. Chi square testwas applied for group comparison to calculate statistical significance. Results: More thanhalf of the participants (60 %) in this study were in age group between 18 to 38 years. 55 %of the population were females. Majority of participant were married (86% - 90%) and wereuneducated (74% - 90%) belongs to lower socio-economical class. The total Scores and theDepression Scores on Hopkins symptoms checklist – 25 (HSCL-25), were significant high incase group than in control group with the P values of 0.04 and 0.05 respectively. Discussion:Trauma and torture leaves a permanent scar on the survivors. It has physical, psychological andsocial squeals. Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25 is intended to provide primary care physicians,mental health practitioners and other health care providers with an instrument for detectinganxiety and depression in torture and trauma victims. Conclusions: Besides being displacedfrom their residence exposure to trauma come out to be the important causative factor increating psychological disturbance among internally displaced persons.


Independent Medical Trust

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