Emergency Physician Observations and Attitudes on Law Enforcement Activities in the Emergency Department


Khatri Utsha1,Kaufman Elinore2,Seeburger Emily3,Alur Rucha4,Richardson Lynne1,South Eugenia5,Jacoby Sara6


1. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of Emergency Medicine, New York, New York; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Institute for Health Equity Research, Department of Population Health Science and Policy, New York, New York

2. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Division of Traumatology, Surgical Critical Care, and Emergency Surgery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

3. Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Emergency Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

4. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5. Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Urban Health Lab, Department of Emergency Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

6. University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Department of Family and Community Health, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Introduction: Law enforcement officers (LEO) interact with patients and clinicians in the emergency department (ED) for many reasons. There is no current consensus on what should comprise, or how to best enact, guidelines that ideally balance LEO activities in the service of public safety with patient health, autonomy, and privacy. The purpose of this study was to explore how a national sample of emergency physicians (EP) perceives activities of LEOs during the delivery of emergency medical care. Methods: Members of the Emergency Medicine Practice Research Network (EMPRN) were recruited via an email-delivered, anonymous survey that elicited experiences, perceptions, and knowledge of policies that guide interactions with LEOs in the ED. The survey included multiple-choice items, which we analyzed descriptively, and open-ended questions, which we analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Of 765 EPs in the EMPRN, 141 (18.4%) completed the survey. Respondents represented diverse locations and years in practice. A total of 113 (82%) respondents were White, and 114 (81%) were male. Over a third reported LEO presence in the ED on a daily basis. A majority (62%) perceived LEO presence as helpful for clinicians and clinical practice. When asked about the factors deemed highly important in allowing LEOs to access patients during care, 75% reported patients’ potential as a threat to public safety. A small minority of respondents (12%) considered the patients’ consent or preference to interact with LEOs. While 86% of EPs felt that information-gathering by LEO was appropriate in the ED setting, only 13% were aware of policy to guide these decisions. Perceived barriers to implementation of policy in this area included: issues of enforcement; leadership; education; operational challenges; and potential negative consequences. Conclusion: Future research is warranted to explore how policies and practices that guide intersections between emergency medical care and law enforcement impact patients, clinicians, and the communities that health systems serve.


Western Journal of Emergency Medicine


General Medicine,Emergency Medicine

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