Every educational institution has specific standards when it comes to student attendance in classes and exams. The significance of students' presence during exams cannot be overstated, leading administrators and professors in various academic settings to be vigilant about attendance issues. In many Nigerian institutions, the requirement is that students must achieve a 70% attendance rate, which is also factored into their final grades. Consequently, there is a substantial demand for a system to track and document student attendance, highlighting the necessity for a tool to manage students' presence effectively. This research students’ examination attendance using barcode focuses on developing a web-based application that would capture students’ attendance details using barcode technology. In eliciting data to develop a new system, the primary and secondary methods were used and evolutionary model was adapted for the software development. For the system design, various tools were used to captured basic system functionalities and attributes and to model the design including flowcharts, UML use case, class diagrams, entity relationship (ER) in a bid to develop the new system. For the front-end design, PHP, CSS5, JavaScript and HTML5 were used. While for the back-end, PHP, Apache and MySQL were used. The entire system was tested using XAMPP server to provide an enabling environment. After which it was concluded the system works according to specification, in conformity with the original aim.
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