Land-Related Issues and Small Scale Private Forestry in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania


Kivuyo Sabra Yasin


This study aimed at exploring the land-related issues and small scale private forestry in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Specifically, the study determined management and conflicts over land. In methodology, the study applied a cross-section research design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. A sample size of 100 participants were involved in the description of 80 small-scale tree growers and 20 actors (local government, NGOs and investors). Besides, data collection was done by using questionnaire and in-depth interview. Analysis for quantitative data was done descriptively, additionally inferential analysis involved a Binary regression analysis with a chi-square (X2). The qualitative data were analyzed by using a content analysis. The results indicate that land-related issues is associated by; lack of transparency in land acquisition, inadequate security tenure, weak government administration and conflicting policies. All these factors causing conflicts over land. The study concludes that land-related issues affect small scale tree growers. The study recommends that the government and other actors should add efforts to avoid land-related issues at the community level.


AMO Publisher

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