Possibilistic Aggregate Production Planning Considering Dynamic Workforce with Fuzzy Demand


Chineh UgoChukwu O.


This Aggregate Production Planning (APP) is a combination of Possibilistic Linear Programming (PLP), Fuzzy Goal Programming (FGP), and the Perfume Accounting System (PAS) to maximize profit. APP involves strategic decisions on Production levels, Inventory management, and Resource allocation to meet client demand while maximizing profit. Traditional planning models face significant challenges due to the uncertainties and complexities inherent in real world production environments. In this paper, there is an integration of PLP, Fuzzy Goal Programing, and throughput accounting system to overcome these challenges. At the very end of the paper, based on the data received from the company, the derived findings were by using Lingo Version 18 software. The model includes possibility distributions of the input parameters. Decision-makers can take into account the uncertainty and imprecision in demand forecasts and dynamic workforce in maximizing profit while taking into account risk tolerance.


AMO Publisher

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