This study examines the species composition and carbon stock of fodder trees within the Lower and Middle Ouémé Valley (LMOV), highlighting the key role these species play in pastoral ecosystems and carbon sequestration. A total of 22 species were identified, with Leguminosae dominating at 36%. Noteworthy six species such as M. inermis, L. sericeus, P. santalinoides D. oliveri, P. erinaceus, and A. leiocarpa exhibited the highest Importance Value Index (IVI), signifying their importance in local pastoral practices. Our research utilized nondestructive allometric equations to estimate both above and belowground biomass, further assessing the effects of soil and climatic variables on carbon stocks. The carbon stock varied significantly with vegetation type, influenced predominantly by the density and basal area per hectare. Additionally, the study validated the positive correlation between species richness and carbon storage capacity, supporting the role of biodiversity in enhancing ecosystem resilience. Significant findings from regression models indicated that climate variables generally increased carbon stock, whereas certain soil parameters reduced it. This study underscores the necessity of conserving diverse fodder species to support sustainable pastoralism and carbon mitigation efforts in sub-Saharan Africa.
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