The work-from-home arrangement has become prevalent from the first year of the covid 19 outbreak up to the present. Different factors in the work-from-home scheme were identified in much research, which gained different outcomes. The study identified three (3) factors: Gadget and Internet profiles, Individual factors, and home environment factors, as indicators under work from home. This paper endeavored to investigate the relationship between work-from-home scheme factors and teachers' work performance. The study involved 60 Senior High School teachers of Liceo de Cagayan University- main campus. Correlation and causal research designs were utilized to measure the relationship and identify which among the variables explains the variation in respondent's work performance. The following findings were made: 90% of respondents used laptops, and 70% subscribed to DSL internet connection. Furthermore, Individual and home environment factors do not have a significant relationship with teachers' work performance, with a p-value of (.085) and (0.036), respectively. The first work-from-home element, Individual, explains the variation in respondents' work performance with ß =.081 of the two factors, individual and home environment. The study recommends considering other work-from-home factors and students' teacher evaluation to further deepen the understanding of the topic.
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