Microscopic Diagnosis of Malaria Parasitaemia in Pregnant Women
Container-title:European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
Ngwu Amauche MartinaORCID
Malaria is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing countries in which Nigeria is one of them. Malaria during pregnancy is a major cause of maternal death globally. Microscopic analysis of Giemsa stained blood film is still the most suitable method of malaria diagnosis in most developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine malaria parasites number per 100 thick film fields in a Giemsa stained blood film. This is a cross sectional study involving 90 pregnant women within the ages of 19-45 years. Thick and thin smears were prepared on clean glass slide using venous blood. The thick blood smears were stained with 3% Giemsa working solution diluted in pH 7.2 phosphate buffer and examined for the presence of malaria parasites at 100 X oil immersion objective searching 100 fields in each thick smear. Blood smears were examined in the parasitology laboratory of Enugu State University of Science and Technology Teaching Hospital by an experienced microscopist. The level of parasitaemia was indicated in each positive case. The number of parasites in thick blood film was graded using the plus sign: + (1 to 10 parasites per 100 thick film fields); ++ (11 to 100 parasites per 100 thick film fields); +++ (1 to 10 parasites per one thick film field); ++++ (>10 parasites per one thick film field). Bar charts and pie charts were used in this study. Out of 90 pregnant women, 65 (72.2%) of the women had malaria parasite (MP). Out of the 65 pregnant women with MP 19 (21.1%) had one plus (1 to 10 parasites per 100 thick film fields) while 46 (51.1%) had two pluses (11 to 100 parasites per 100 thick film fields). Then 31 (67.4%) of those with two pluses were at age range of 26- 35 years, also 12 (26.1%) of them with two pluses were women that are less than 25 years. However, 25 (27.8%) had no malaria parasite (MP). The findings showed that higher number of the pregnant women had malaria parasites and higher number of individuals positive with malaria parasites had 11 to 100 parasites per 100 thick film fields. Also higher number of pregnant women that had 11 to 100 parasites per 100 thick film fields was at age range of 26- 35 years.
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