Setiawan Tomi,Kinseng Rilus A.,Sarwoprasodjo Sarwititi,Irawan Ariq Naufal
This paper intends to analyze and explain the dynamics of fishermen's organizations, particularly regarding their formations and movements against the prohibition of large-net (payang) usage policy in the Lamongan Regency. The reason large-net (payang) is not authorized as a fishing gear is that it is considered an not environmental friendly fishing gear that has resulted in the decline of the fish population. This policy then caused resistance from the fishing community in coastal Lamongan. The method used is qualitative, with a case study approach. Data was collected through several techniques, namely, literature review, observation, and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the movement was carried out by involving various organizations that had been previously formed independently with driving actors who had long been involved in fishermen's organizations. Furthermore, the movement was deemed successful with the issuance of a presidential instruction that provided a moratorium on the policy of prohibition of large-net (payang).
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