The Policy Performance Evaluation of Tanjung Selor’s New Independent City Development, North Kalimantan


Setiawan TomiORCID,Mamuja Datu DamsirORCID,Afrillia RennyORCID,Samith M. FarrasORCID


This paper aims to describe and explain the policy performance evaluation of Tanjung Selor’s new independent city development. New city development is a systematic process and must pay attention to supporting aspects at all stages of development. A new city development policy is important in solving urban problems and encouraging the level of urban development. The research method used is qualitative, with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in this research include literature studies, interviews, and field observations. The factual findings of this research are explained through input, process, output, and outcome indicators. Based on input indicators, budget, and human resource limitations constrain Tanjung Selor’s new independent city development. Then the process indicators regarding the development of Tanjung Selor's new independent city have also not been carried out effectively. While the output indicator is that the ministry's performance is not following prevailing regulations. And finally, on the outcomes indicator, Tanjung Selor’s new independent city development is aimed at fulfilling facilities and infrastructure by rejuvenating the old city. In conclusion, the performance of Tanjung Selor’s new independent city development policy has not been running as a whole and is still partial, besides that there are still several obstacles that must be improved, especially in terms of budget and human resources.


AMO Publisher

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