1. Evidence based prescribing
2. Maxwell SRJ . Therapeutics and good prescribing. In: Walker B , Colledge N , Ralston S , Penman I (eds). Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine, 22nd Edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2012:17–40.
3. British Pharmacological Society . Ten principles of good prescribing. London: British Pharmacological Society, 2010. Available online at www.bps.ac.uk/BPSMemberPortal/media/BPSWebsite/Assets/BPSPrescribingStatement03Feb2010.pdf [Accessed 15 July 2016].
4. de Vries TPGM , Henning RH , Hogerzeil HV , Fresle DA . Guide to good prescribing: a practical manual. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1994.
5. Balanced prescribing