1. UK Government . Guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19. www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19 [Accessed 13 April 2020].
2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence . COVID-19 rapid guideline: cystic fibrosis. NICE guideline [NG170]. NICE, 2020. www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng170.
3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence . CFHealthHub for managing cystic fibrosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medtech innovation briefing [MIB219]. NICE, 2020. www.nice.org.uk/guidance/mib219.
4. A Brief Measure for Assessing Generalized Anxiety Disorder
5. The PHQ-9