Savita Nuguri ,Rahul Saoji ,Krishnateja Shiva ,Pradeep Etikani ,Vijaya Venkata Sri Rama Bhaskar
Among the studies related to the use of artificial intelligence in cloud compting, this research seeks to identify techniues that may help in the effectve implementation of models in cloud based sysems. Some of the main questions that are answered include cost control, working with multiple cloud services, achieving higher speed, preserving the privacy of inforation, and creating conitions for its safe storage, also provider migration. Possible solution instances include autoscaling, model compression, secure enclaves, and contaner for measurability tasks with a range of solutions being consdered and Android-specific solutions being compared. The reference architectural model of cloud and edge systems is described. The findings estabish the effectiveness and need for such methodologes since artificial Inteligence initiatives can be easily and securely implemented and sustained through cloud technologies