Enhancing iOS Application Performance through Swift UI: Transitioning from Objective-C to Swift


Jaswanth Alahari ,Dheerender Thakur ,Prof.(Dr.) Punit Goel ,Venkata Ramanaiah Chintha ,Raja Kumar Kolli


iOS development frameworks have undergone fast change, which has brought to light the need for apps that are both more efficient and more performant. The advantages of switching from Objective-C to Swift are investigated in this study, with a particular emphasis placed on the use of Swift UI for the purpose of improving the performance of iOS apps. The purpose of this research is to give developers who are interested in modernizing their codebases with a thorough guidance by studying the architectural changes, performance benchmarks, and practical implementation solutions. The change not only enhances the maintainability, security, and scalability of the application, but it also optimizes the performance of the application. This article demonstrates, through the use of case studies and examples from the real world, how the use of Swift and Swift UI may result in considerable enhancements to both the productivity of developers and the quality of the user experience.


Shodh Sagar

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