1. American Daiiy Science Association. 1919. Rules for the supervision of official tests. Recommended by the American Dairy Science Association. Advanced Registry Hand Book, Holstein-Friesian Assoc. of America. December 1,1919.
2. American Guernsey Cattle Club. 1921. Rules and requirements of the Advanced Registry of Guernsey cattle. May, 1921.
3. American Jersey Cattle Club. 1921. Register of Merit Rules. July, 1921.
4. American Jersey Cattle Club. 1921. Rejection of tests. Register of Merit Rules, Rules 19, p. 12, July, 1921.
5. Studies in the range of variation of the per cent of butterfat in the milk of individual cows;Anderson;Special Bul. Mich. Agr. Exp. Sta.,1914