1. Siberian State Industrial University
The paper describes the possibility of using cored wire for wearresistant hardfacing containing waste (dust of gascleaners) from the production of silica manganese and aluminum. Hardfacing was carried out using a submerged welding tractor made of silica manganese slag produced by the West Siberian Electrometallurgical Plant. The wear rate on the samples was determined on 2070 CMT1 machine. The method for it is based on change in the sample mass during the disc – pad test. Chemical composition of the deposited metal was determined by Xray fluorescence method on XRF1800 spectrometer and by the atomic emission method on DFS71 spectrometer. The hardness of the deposited layers was measured using METHDO hardness tester. Evaluation of the quantity of nonmetallic inclusions was made according to GOST 1778 – 70 using an OLYMPUS GX51 optical microscope. The coefficient of manganese recovery was found at different ratios of components. This coefficient is associated with the reduction of manganese oxide from manganesecontaining flux (due to the carbon contained in the cored wire). With a significant excess of carbon in the cored wire from manganesecontaining flux, recovery of manganese exceeds 100 %. The process of manganese recovery was determined by filling coefficient of the cored wire, amount of the carboncontaining material in the charge, and carbon content in the electricarc coating itself. The deposited metal contains nondeformable silicates and point oxides. Contamination by oxide nonmetallic inclusions of the deposited metal is small. The presence of these nonmetallic inclusions does not significantly affect the operational characteristics of the deposited layer.
National University of Science and Technology MISiS