1. Federal State Research and Development Institute of Rare Metal Industry (Giredmet JSC);
National University of Science and Technology MISIS
2. Federal State Research and Development Institute of Rare Metal Industry (Giredmet JSC)
The calculation of conductivity electron concentrations in n-GaSb at T = 295 K and T = 77 K have been made. The concentration of “heavy” electrons in the L-valley of conduction band at Т = 295 K has been shown to exceed “light” electron one in the Γ-valley. On the contrary, at T = 77 K the conductivity electrons are gathered in the Γ-valley.The results of Hall measurements made on tellurium-doped samples of n-GaSb obtained by the Czochralski method have been represented. It has been shown that upon analysing Hall data at Т = 295 K, it is necessary to take into account the presence of two types of electrons (“light” and “heavy”); their concentrations are not possible to be determined. Seeming increase in electron concentration upon transition from T = 295 K to 77 K really does not take place. The electron concentration at T = 77 K may be determined correctly from the Hall data.
National University of Science and Technology MISiS
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