Gulamova D. D.,Jalilov D. Yu.,Bobokulov S. N.,Eshonkulov E. B.,Gulamova K. Z.,Ahmadkulov O. B.,Rusinov A. V.
The necessity of developing technologies based on the use of solar energy as an energy-saving renewable natural resource is shown. Ceramic materials were obtained in a Large solar furnace (Parkent) with a capacity of 1000 kW: aluminum titanate, corundum, solid solutions based on ZrO2, Bi/Pb-superconducting material and the influence of the conditions for obtaining these materials on the microstructure, unit cell parameters, strength was established. The possibility of the development and practical application of concentrated solar energy for ceramic materials production is shown. Ill. 3. Ref. 25. Tab. 1.
National University of Science and Technology MISiS
Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software
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