Features of thermal analysis of ceramics


Kryuchkov Yu. N


It is advisable to include in the results of the analysis the dimensions and shape of the samples, the temperature curve in the center of the analyzed sample, and also what the differential thermocouple measures, the temperature difference between the center and the surface of the sample between the centers of the samples, as well as the density and mass of the samples. It is shown that the temperature effect in the material is more accurately reflected by the sample mass change curve than by the DTG curve. Enthalpy change ― the thermal effect of the process should be determined, taking into account not the entire area under or above the peak of the DTA curve, but only its part between the DTA curve, the horizontal through the process start point and the vertical through the minimum or maximum of the DTA curve. The next part of the curve describes the entry of the sample into the regular mode after the end of the chemical or phase (recrystallization) process. Ill. 4. Ref. 13.


National University of Science and Technology MISiS


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

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