Obtaining and investigation of a heat-resistant binder with the additive of metakaolin in the conditions of Uzbekistan


Ruzmetova Aida,Babaev Zabibulla,Yunusov Mirzhalil


The purpose of the work is to obtain a heat-resistant binder with the addition of metakaolin from mineral and man-made raw materials of the Aral Sea region. The results of obtaining alumina cement using kaolin, limestone and alumina-containing waste are presented. Effective compositions of alumina cement in the kaolin-limestone-alumina-containing waste system have been developed. To improve the physico-mechanical properties of a heat-resistant binder, the preparation of metakaolin with its subsequent addition during clinker grinding was investigated. The reliability of the obtained results is confirmed by the use of modern physico-chemical methods.


National University of Science and Technology MISiS


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

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