Heat-resistant ceramic concrete based on diatomite. 1. Synthesis and study of artificial ceramic binders based on diatomite


Peretokina N. A.,Doroganov V. A.,Doroganov E. A.,Pilenko A. V.,Bosykh R. V.


The main aspects of obtaining an artificial ceramic binder (ACB) based on the original (quarry) and heat-treated diatomite are considered. The process of obtaining SCR was studied, its main rheological properties and physico-mechanical characteristics of the samples were analyzed. It has been established that ACB based on quarry diatomite is characterized by a thixotropic rheological behavior, and ACB based on pre-heat-treated diatomite belongs to the thixotropic-dilatant type. The use of this technology for obtaining a binder will reduce the molding moisture in the manufacture of various diatomite products and improve their quality while reducing production costs compared to similar products obtained by traditional technology.


National University of Science and Technology MISiS


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

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