Material composition and microstructure of ceramic glass й hearth of blast furnace No. 6 of JSC EVRAZ NTMK after service. Refractory microstructure after service


Perepelitsyn V. A.,Zemlyanoi K. G.,Mironov K. V.,Forshev A. A.,Nikolaev F. P.,Sushnikov D. V.


The results of a comprehensive study of the material microstructure of refractory samples after service in the furnace of a blast furnace with a useful volume of 2200 m3 for 14 years are presented. Structural and genetic analysis established a characteristic sequence of processes of degeneration and wear of the ceramic furnace stack, including 6 stages: the formation of micro-and macro-cracks; condensation of vaporous zinc; zinc oxidation with the formation of fire-resistant ZnO zincite and the deposition of carbon black by the; chemical interaction of zinkite with mullite and corundum to form ZnAl2O4 ganite and 2ZnO·SiO2 willemite; partial oxidation of silicon carbide with the release of silica glass SiO2, eutectic melt of complex composition, and wellimite. Due to intensive accumulation of capillary pores, infiltration of the slag melt in the volume of refractories does not occur. Wear of refractories in the furnace has a complex, mainly thermochemical mechanism and a low speed due to the formation of a garnish containing refractory compounds. Ill. 5. Ref. 14.


National University of Science and Technology MISiS


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

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