On the issue of the management paradigm


Nazimko V. K.1,Kudinova E. V.2


1. Moscow International University

2. Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow


The current paradigm of specific knowledge, its quintessence are essential for experts and researchers. The industrial development of the world economy in the first half of the 20th cen- tury and the emergence of management caused the need for establishing its paradigm as well. All the researchers of management implicitly turn to this issue. However, few of them pay due atten- tion to the management paradigm. Lack of formalized structuring of management as a knowledge prove that the management paradigm is still being formulated. That is the reason for writing this article. The article presents the justification of the topicality of establishing the management paradigm. The authors define the main cause of variety of approaches to this issue, list objective and specific factors that influence the management paradigm and its evolution. The core atten- tion of the study is paid to system-based structuring of the basic sections of management as a knowledge for its further unification as a scientific discipline. On this basis, the authors analyze the completeness of the management paradigm presented by a foreign expert Peter Drucker at the beginning of the 21st century. They justify the expediency of the management paradigm de- velopment and its adaptation to the specific features of different countries with the consideration of significant specificity of national economies and management practices. The article contains the characteristics of the basic concepts of management peculiar for the contemporary Russia. The presented authors’ viewpoint on the formulation and interpretation of the management paradigm as a scientific knowledge may become a basis for developing the national management paradigm and preparing a rubricator of textbooks on management. The necessity and significance of the work can be justified by the fact that Peter Drucker and Henry Mintzberg, two well-known researchers and authors, have opposite views on the concept of management as a knowledge.


National University of Science and Technology MISiS


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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