Mediator Role of Psychological Well-Being in the Relationship Between Parent ’s Regulation of Child's Emotion and Child ’s Emotion Regulation





2. Kurum: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı/Kahramanmaraş Dulkadiroğlu Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi


The purpose of the present study was to analyze the mediating role of psychological well-being in the relationship between parents’ regulation of their children’s emotions and childs’ regulation of their own emotion. The study group consisted of 386 mothers living in different cities of Turkey. To collect the data, the convenience sampling method was applied, and the measurement tools were published on an online platform and presented to the participants for their answers. The data of the research were obtained using the Parent Emotion Regulation Scale (PERS), Emotion Regulation Checklist, Psychological Well-Being Scale, and the personal information form. Pearson moment correlation analysis and parallel multiple variable analysis (PROCESS) in the data analysis. According to the findings obtained from the study, psychological well-being significantly mediates the relationship between parent ’s child’s emotion regulation and child's emotion regulation. This result shows that the psychological well-being of the parent plays a mediating role in the emotion regulation process in the relationship between the parent ’s regulation of the child ’s emotion and the child ’s regulation of their own emotion. This result of the research was discussed within the scope of the relevant literature, and suggestions were made for future research.


Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal

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