Organic prodution in Minas Gerais: analysis of the cooperation circle controlled by certifiers


Inguaggiato Felipe Facci,Francisco Jonas Campo,Oliveira Sérgio Henrique Teixeira de,Hirata Aloísia Rodrigues,Rocha Luis Carlos Dias da,Pedini Sergio


The present essay aims to identify, analyze, and propose diagnoses regarding cooperation circles, theorized by geographer Milton Santos, in the production of organic food, focusing on municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It aims to highlight the main interactions and connections between organizations associated with and linked to the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) and various educational institutions, which influence the production process towards a model of organic, participatory, and solidarity-based agriculture. The work also explores how these interactions manifest concretely in the formation of circles linked to PGS entities, such as Participatory Conformity Assessment Bodies (PCABs) and Social Control Organizations (SCOs). As results, the research presents cartographic products related to these agents, through an analysis of their activities at municipal and state levels, emphasizing how these connections can challenge the conventional certification process associated with predominant productive circles. Furthermore, a heterogeneous distribution of these circles is observed in the municipalities of Minas Gerais, where each presents its own scale of representativeness, focusing on different levels of production and interconnection. This typology of dynamics is evident in several municipalities of the state, underscoring the diversity of approaches, along with the importance of decentralizing the agroproductive model, promoting an organic, sustainable, and inclusive agriculture that meets local and regional needs and fosters the resilience of rural communities.


South Florida Publishing LLC

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