Carvalho Raffael Duarte de,Queiroz Eduardo Soares de Alcantara,Grillo Alexandre Vargas,Santos Felipe Sombra dos
In the current scenario, the market society, an economic model consolidated in many parts of the world, faces some social and environmental challenges, such as the solid waste disposal and treatment of different residues generated daily, especially in big cities. In Brazil, 4,540 municipalities provided medical waste collection services, and more than a third (36.2%) sent the MS to landfills, dumps, and septic ditches. This issue faced by municipalities is challenging as they try to promote less damaging management that impacts the environment due to urban demography and fragile socio-environmental conditions. Action as reverse logistics is a strategy that enables the return of after-sales and post-consumption waste to the business environment and the productive sector, promoting the circular economy, the recovery of waste, the life cycle of products, decrease in the use of materials, reduction of environmental impacts, compliance with current regulations and non-contamination of the environment. The assessment of unusual medications and population knowledge allows drawing an overview of the disposal of uncommon medications for home use by an electronic questionnaire addressing different questions, referring to the identification of the user's profile, various forms of consumption, storage, and disposal of medication waste, and knowledge about the local regulation. Most medications consumed by the population are antibiotics, analgesics, fever reducers, and pain relief without medical recommendations, not used to seeing the expiration date, and not reading the drug leaflet. The assessment population could only pay a little for the additional tax for final medication waste disposal. Most of the participants disposed of the unusual medications in the household garbage. Finally, the reverse logistics implementation of medication waste in Brazil will be a significant challenge for decreasing the environmental impacts and pollution because of the culture of the local population.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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