Gender-based violence and impact on women’s mental health


Schuler Maria Fernanda de Lemos,Ost André Felipe Nunes,Vitorino João Augusto Nunes,Ribeiro Gabriel de Castro,Da Fonseca Tatiana Maria Araújo,De Oliveira Mariana Gabriela,De Paula Yago Luciano,Muniz Kleyton Matheus Honorato,Muniz Thamilly Vitória Honorato,De Oliveira Thaianny,Pesconi Rafael Barbosa Roque,Costa Yasmim Ferreira de Araujo


Objective: To describe gender-based violence and its impact on women's mental health. Method: It consists of an integrative review, carried out based on the following guiding question: What impacts does gender-based violence have on women's mental health? using the PICO strategy, where “p” population: Women who suffer or have suffered gender-based violence, “I” interest: Assessment of the influence of gender-based violence on women’s mental health, and “C” and “O” context: Impact of gender-based violence on women's mental health. An advanced search was used through the Virtual Health Library (VHL), crossing the descriptors using the Boolean operator “AND” and “OR”. Results: The final sample consisted of 6 articles, which resulted in 2 categories: Post-traumatic growth and gender-based violence; Violence against women and mental illness. Conclusion: It is understood that the support of the multidisciplinary team is of great importance when providing care to women who have suffered gender-based violence. Comprehensive support must be offered to women and they must be welcomed, having full knowledge of policies and laws. that cover up the victims. In the research, few articles were observed on the proposed topic, greater attention is needed in research on the topic, ensuring that the topic covered is extremely relevant.


South Florida Publishing LLC

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