The Anthropocene context has aroused several debates in the academic environment, among them the dialogues on post-humanist thought. The fact that human activity on the planet has unleashed catastrophic consequences leads us to urgently propose other forms of intersections between other cultures, which perhaps are not experiencing with such intensity the fruits of a totalizing and universalist thought. In this context, this article proposes creating a framework that connects the Andean cosmovision of the cosmos and the human and non-human relationships proposed by decoloniality and posthumanism and discusses the relationships between them. We do not intend to discuss the differences or vulnerabilities of each thought, but to identify ethical positions that lead us to recognize other knowledge that has long been silenced by European hegemony. Through the bibliographic review based on Decolonial Theories, we concluded that intercultural dialogue could build ways for us to build loving relationships between the beings that inhabit the universe.
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