Kamu Binalarında (Hastaneler) Yenilenebilir Enerji Kullanımı: Enerji ile Başa Çıkmak İçin Bir Adım




The issue of renewable energy and the need of humans to use it has been the subject of discussion and research by many investigators. In all medical centers, providing a suitable environment for general treatment is considered a fundamental goal but in specific diseases that require organ transplantation, the planning of its environment is very important, since this type of treatment requires a specific environment with careful planning, along with a perfectly systematic design. Therefore, it should be a pure and clean building, located in an environment free from any pollution, including pollution that caused by the energy consumption of the building. With regard to the scarcity of fossil fuels, it should be remembered that hospitals have the highest energy consumption among public buildings due to their cyclical. In this regard the need to free user buildings from renewable energy may not seem urgent. However, the needs of the buildings and a clean environment may also require the switch to clean energy. This study aims to investigate and explore the innovative use of renewable energy systems by accessing books and scientific websites to discover the required energies for these types of building. The building itself can open new ways to meet its own energy needs through the use of modern technology. In this regard, with the help of the example models presented, the aim is to use renewable energy sources in public buildings and especially in hospitals in the near future, so that these buildings can provide their energy needs in a healthy and economical way and the treatments of people can be carried out in a clean and healthy environment.


ICAM Network

Reference24 articles.

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5. Agarwal, J., Shah, M. (2017). Predicting direct and indirect uses of geothermal energy in major oil filds of China. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, 3(5), pp. 88-92.








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