Effectiveness of cauda epididymal plasma-2 and lecithin based diluents to minimize abnormality of sexing albumin spermatozoa during cold storage


Firdaus Frediansyah1ORCID,Ratnawati Dian1ORCID


1. Department of Animal Physiology and Reproduction, Beef Cattle Research Institute, Pasuruan East Java 67184, Indonesia.


Background and Aim: Lecithin based diluent such as AndroMed, is a semen diluent made without animal components to prevent the risk of disease transmission, while glutathione (GSH) is an intracellular non-enzymatic antioxidant that prevents cell damage due to reactive oxygen species. Meanwhile, the specific impact of AndroMed and GSH combinations on spermatozoa abnormalities has not been fully studied. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of using cauda epididymal plasma-2 (CEP-2) and AndroMed diluents with or without the addition of GSH on the abnormalities of sexing semen of Ongole crossbred bulls in cold storage. Materials and Methods: This study used a factorial completely randomized design 2×2, the first factor was types of diluent and the second was with or without the addition of GSH. Observation of spermatozoa abnormalities was carried out at a storage time of 0-5 days using 297 ejaculations of liquid semen, with 100 spermatozoa observed per smear of each ejaculate. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance and the significant threshold (p-value) for statistical analysis was set at <0.05. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between AndroMed and CEP-2 in minimizing the abnormalities of upper layer spermatozoa (X), with parameters DH and AD on day 0, damage of spermatozoa (DMR) on days 1-5, and dag-like defect (DLD) on day 5. Furthermore, spermatozoa abnormalities in the lower layer (Y) showed a significant difference between diluents in the parameters of AD on day 1, DMR on days 0-5, and DLD on days 1-5. The significant difference between with or without the addition of GSH in the X sperm was observed in the DH parameters on day 0 and DMR on 5, while there was no significant difference in the Y sperm. Conclusion: Based on the results, AndroMed has the potential to minimize spermatozoa abnormalities compared to CEP-2 diluent in sexed liquid semen. Therefore, AndroMed diluents with or without the addition of 1 mM GSH have no significant effect on spermatozoa abnormalities.


Kementerian Pertanian, Republik Indonesia


Veterinary World


General Veterinary

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