1. Penza Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Penza, Russia
Objective: to identify the nature of proliferation and apoptosis process disorders in the gingival epithelium in postmenopausal women with varying degrees of bone mineralization for early diagnosis and optimization of combination therapy.
Materials and Methods. We examined 80 women aged 55–60 years with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) and reduced bone mineral density (BMD). All patients underwent a standard dental examination, including an index assessment of periodontal tissues. BMD was quantified via a densitometric analysis of the bone tissue condition. The investigation of periodontal epithelial cell renewal was performed using immunohistochemical studies.
Results. We discovered that in postmenopausal patients with CGP and BMD disorders, there was a reduction in the proliferation of gingival epithelial cells with activation of their apoptosis (Iapt=0.73±0.03%, Iki-67=11.77±0.27%) vs. the patients with intact periodontium (Iapt 0.29±0.04%, Iki-67=9.88±0.09%), p=0.04.
Conclusion. We discovered that CGP in postmenopausal women occurs with enlarged activity of apoptosis of gingival epithelial cells against the background of their reduced proliferation. The activity of inflammatory destructive processes in periodontal tissues is higher in patients with osteopenia vs. those without BMD impairment.
LLC Science and Innovations
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