The peculiarities of formation of spring triticale kernels quality in the contrast weather conditions


Abdelkavi R. N. F.1ORCID,Soloviev A. A.2ORCID


1. Russian SAU – MAA named after K. A. Timiryazev

2. All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology; Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin


The current paper has given the study results of spring triticale samples grown under the conditions of the field experimental station of the Russian SAU – MAA named after K. A. Timiryazev and the department of remote hybridization of the Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin in 2017–2018. There have been studied 10 varieties of domestic and foreign selection, as well as 10 breeding lines developed with the authors’ participation. The trial and analysis of the results have been performed according to the method of State Variety Testing of agricultural crops. There have been presented the results of grain quality assessment in contrasting weather and climate conditions of 2017–2018. The weather conditions in 2018 were favorable for the formation of better grain in comparison with 2017. Almost all samples showed greater indices of protein and gluten content, gluten quality, kernel hardness, falling number and bread volume in 2018 that these in 2017. At the same time, there was seen productivity decrease. In general, according to the study results over two years, there were identified the spring triticale sample “Dublet” and the breeding lines “131/1656” and “C 259” as the most productive and capable to give stable yields of more than 50 kg/ha; with good adaptability and grain quality. The varieties “Lana”, “Sandro” and the breeding lines “131/7”, “C 259”, “6-35-5” and “P2-13-5-2” showed a high protein and gluten content compared to the standard variety “Ukro”. There has been identified a negative value of the correlation between the indicators of protein content and grain yield (r = –0.54), gluten content and yield (r = –0.61). The identified samples could be used in the breeding programs for better yields and good grain quality.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy

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