1. FSBSI Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”
When developing a variety, along with the classical breeding methods, there are increasingly being used bio-technological and molecular genetic methods. These methods include a cultivation technology of isolated anthers, based on the phenomenon of androgenesis. The current paper has presented the results of developing androgenetic rice lines from 7 hybrids of the first generation. The purpose of the work was to study the ability of rice hybrids to form callus on artificial nutrient media and develop regenerated plants followed by a visual estimation of ploidy. Developing dihaploid homozygous lines will speed up the breeding process. The selection of rice panicles was carried out in the field in the shooting phase at the stage of mononuclear pollen. There were cultivated 7218 anthers, of which there were obtained 259 calli. The combinations ‘Akustik x Nerica 1’, ‘Nerica 1 x Akustik c’, ‘Kapitan x Akustik’ were the most responsive to callus formation. The regeneration frequency to the number of calli was 9.13 %. There were identified 794 new formations, from which there were formed 46 plants, including 26 albino and 20 green. The largest number of plants was formed in the hybrid ‘Kapitan x Akustik’ (22 pcs., 14 of which are green). Among the survived green regenerated plants, according to a complex of morphological traits, two plants turned out to be haploids with small sterile flowers and anthers, thin and narrow leaves; five plants were dihaploids with well-grained panicles and medium-sized leaves; two plants were tetraploids that had a wide leaf, a large panicle with very large flowers, but with low fertility. Plants and seeds were handed over to breeders for further work.
FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy
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