New hulless oat variety ‘Azil’


Kabashov A. D.1ORCID,Kolupaeva A. S.1ORCID,Zakharov V. G.2ORCID,Vlasenko N. M.1ORCID,Mishenkina O. G.2ORCID,Yakovleva O. D.2ORCID,Leybovich Ya. G.1ORCID,Filonenko Z. V.1ORCID,Razumovskaya L. G.1ORCID,Polityko P. M.1


1. Federal research Center “Nemchinovka”

2. Samarsky Federal Research Center RAS, Uliyanovsky Research Institute of Agriculture


The current paper has presented the study results of the new hulless oat variety ‘Azil’, which was developed by the method of individual-family selection from the hybrid population ‘Krestyansky local × ZALP’. The purpose of the current study was to identify economically valuable traits, physico-biochemical indicators of the grain of the new hulless oat variety ‘Azil’. According to the length of the vegetation period, ‘Azil’ is classified as a middle maturing variety. In the State Variety Testing, the realized productivity of the variety ‘Azil’ was 5.36 t/ha. During the study, there has been found that with intensive and high-intensity cultivation in compliance with the technological methods of protection against diseases, weeds and pests, the productivity of the variety ‘Azil’ improved in relation to the basic technology from 0.75 to 1.42 t/ha (or on 12 and 23 %, respectively). The estimation of groat properties has revealed a larger protein and oil percentage in grain of the new variety than that of the hulled and hulless standard varieties ‘Yakov’ and ‘Vyatsky’ (2.2 and 0.2 % of protein; 1.3 and 0.5 % of oil) . There has been identified high loose smut resistance of the variety ‘Azil’ (up to 6.4 % damage) on artificial and natural backgrounds. There has been established a fungi composition and mycotoxins’ content in grain of the standard oat varieties ‘Yakov’ and ‘Vyatsky’, as well as 13 hulless breeding lines of the Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”. The variety ‘Azil’ has demonstrated an increased resistance to the accumulation of T-2 toxin. Using biochemical methods there has been found heterogeneity of the new variety, consisting of two biotypes. When conducting primary seed production, there has been recommended to use the method of individual-family selection with a double estimation of the progeny and maintaining spatial isolation with other hulless oats.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy


General Medicine

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