The effect of varietal traits of durum wheat on the technological and baking qualities of flour when mixed with bread wheat


Shabolkina E. N.1ORCID,Anisimkina N. V.1ORCID


1. Samarsky Research Institute of Agriculture named after N.M. Tulaykov, a branch of the Samarsky Federal Research Center RAS


The development of bakery industry is possible due to the use of such non-traditional raw materials as durum wheat. The purpose of the current study was to estimate the effect of varietal traits of durum wheat when mixed with bread wheat according to the results of rheological parameters of dough, technological and bakery estimation of flour. There have been studied technological indicators of grain, rheological and physical parameters of dough, general bakery estimation. There has been established that the high gas-forming ability of durum wheat allows it to be used (30%) as bread wheat improver during baking. However, the positive effect was present not in all years of the study. There has been estimated an improvement effect due to mutual compensation of the missing components and complementarity of the bread and durum wheat varieties. There was found that in 2008, 2010 there was practically no improvement effect when durum wheat flour was added to the mixture in a ratio of 30:70%. There was established that in 2015 the maximum bread volume of 930 cm3 and a good bakery estimation (flat surface, oval shape, golden brown crust, as well as fine thin-walled porosity with elastic light crumb) were obtained by adding bread wheat varieties to durum wheat varieties, which during the year of the study there was formed weak grain (dilute of dough was 110 u.f.; valorigraphic number was 46 u.v.). In 2020, the varieties used in the mixtures of both spring bread and durum wheat were of high quality, and bakery estimation gave excellent indicators both in the control (the variety ‘Tulaykovskaya 108’ with 1300 cm3) and in the mixtures with 1140–1255 cm3; the appearance of bread and crumb in almost all variants had an excellent mark. The largest volume of bread, 1255 cm3, was obtained when the durum wheat variety ‘Bezenchukskaya Niva’ was added to the mixture. Adding durum wheat flour to the mixture in an amount of 30:70% when baking bread reduced its staleness by 6.5% relative to the control (bread wheat); bread remains fresh for a long time with an elastic, quickly regenerated crumb.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy

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