Cluster analysis of collection material of peas with genes of leafletless type (af) and non-shedding seeds (def)


Ashiev A. R.1ORCID,Khabibullin K. N.1ORCID,Skulova M. V.1ORCID,Chegunova A. V.1ORCID


1. Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”


In the conditions of the south of the Rostov region, there was carried out a comprehensive estimation of 242 collection peas samples of various ecological and geographical origin selected in the world collection of the Vavilov’s ARIPG and other research breeding institutions, and there have been selected 31 samples with a leafletless type (af) and non-shedding seeds (def). The study was carried out in the collection nursery in the fields of the laboratory for legumes breeding and seed production of the FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” in 2017–2020. The meteorological conditions during the years of study were different during the vegetation period, which made it possible to objectively evaluate the collection samples according to the studied traits. In order to identify the similarities and differences between the samples, there was made cluster analysis. Mathematical data processing and cluster analysis were performed using the software Excel and Statistica 10. Euclidean distance was used as a measure of similarity. On the basis of clustering there was build a hierarchy. As a result, there were identified the varieties ‘Demos’ (Russia), ‘Korall’ (Ukraine), lL-27287l (Russia), ‘Stoik’ (Russia), ‘Stepnyak’ (Ukraine), ‘Priazovsky’ (Russia), ‘Kharvus-3’ (Ukraine), ‘Multik’ (Russia) as the sources of resistance to lodging. According to ‘number of beans per plant’ there were identified the varieties ‘Samarius’ (Russia), ‘OR-2154’ (Russia), ‘L-27287’ (Russia), ‘Aksaysky usaty’ (Russia), ‘Vatan’ (Russia). According to ‘number of seeds per plant’ there were identified the varieties ‘L.176/2000’ (Russia), ‘OR-2157’ (Russia), ‘Pamyati Khangildina’ (Russia), ‘Chernigovsky’ (Ukraine), ‘L-27287’ (Russia), ‘Aksaysky usaty’ (Russia), ‘Vatan’ (Russia). According to ‘seed size’ there was identified the variety ‘Multik’ (Russia). According to high productivity there were identified the varieties ‘L-27287’ (Russia), ‘Aksaysky usaty’ (Russia), ‘Vatan’ (Russia). The study of the collection peas material has identified the sources of economically valuable traits for their use in further breeding for seed productivity and technological effectiveness.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy

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